
Non-Olympic sports lovers Guide

(In this case, omit the first three paragraphs) ... ... When the charts everywhere tells you that two weeks of events what is hot when I give you the hand, can cut in on hand, non-Olympic sports lovers Guide:


1. Ann Romney's horse


From that to some extent, this is my favorite for 2012 Olympic Games. Leflunomide and Ann (Romney and his wife), "says Leflunomide. Romney to United States Republican presidential candidates, and competing in the White House, President Obama "spent a lot of time and effort to persuade United States public: although they are worth 200 million dollars, but they also are ordinary people. But in I seems, not Romney couples intends to in California 9 million dollars of home installed a Taiwan "car of lift ladder" of plans, also not Leflunomide inadvertently mentioned of he wife of "several Cadillac", also not Ann to public said into "you these people", also not they both in New Hampshire Lake holiday housing front playing engine paddling Shi of those photos, but Ann has a horse horse will participate in Olympics pattern riding competition--this is let they is very 1% "photograph: that rich right of people, relative Yu 99% Common and lower people ".


For those who participate in this by the New York Times called "noble sport", or borrow Stephen? Kou Bote ": the United States political satirist, television host" preference, "horse ballet" players, meaning I did not disrespect. But to tell you the truth: only one sport than figure riding a prominent wealthy only Romney and his wife were in their family vault gold in diving (the last winner was Scrooge Donald Duck) ": the animation short film Donald reached gold in the swimming pool, so he jumps in......". There is gossip! Leflunomide previous dancing horses lafoka to their chosen music. It was revealed that the Leflunomide favorite horse dance is of the movie Rain Man ": the United States 1988 drama movie" soundtrack. Smart people will bet on Leflunomide for the games point equally stylish movie soundtrack, such as of the parents ": the 1989 United States comedy films", or turned back, "says United States 1991 told the fireman action horror film".




To be honest to tell you: I am not an ESPN ": the United States 124 hours playing sports cable television network" Journal of loyal subscribers, but God, they the latest issue of the publication was great! There is an article that is player of "hip" importance of subject also has an article called "shit". However, my favorite is in the guardian on Tuesday published a story about the athletes in the Olympic village, to enjoy all the blessed time details. Result is that each Olympic Games must be purchased 100,000 condoms for athletes. This is my favorite sports news!


3. on the "plastic Britons" debate


Was surprised of is, "plastic British" not a has been expansion of toys doll market of new of, and quite good of products, but a some newspaper using of, and undoubtedly is nausea of, and used to described United Kingdom Olympic players in the those they believes that cannot through cricket test of people "photograph: cricket test is 90 generation United Kingdom a conservatism politicians used to refers to said United Kingdom plate team in the from Asia and of immigration and children of" loyalty degrees "or" lack loyalty degrees "of terms" three level long jump champion, and observers under Columnist, General tough character yamaier? Elk in Malaysia as it laughed at an unusual goal, in a recent column on this topic almost all the words said. Rounding up is that when aierdama win a medal then, who likes to say "plastic British" journalists would react. They will maintain the "plastic British" hate, still make patriotic obligation to support the United Kingdom Olympians win? Three years ago, a tabloid reporter wrote: "no one attempted to use United Kingdom sexual grade to his athletes. United Kingdom national party ": the United Kingdom the anti-immigrant extreme right wing parties" may be warped to believe that West? Walcott, Derek ": the United Kingdom Jamaica origin football player" and Wayne? Wayne Rooney ": the United Kingdom football player" than not really British, but no rational person would agree. "In this regard" plastic British "controversy, this view is even more stubborn, we know their views on this topic is absolutely flexible.


4. Mrs Obama and Mrs Cameron fashion showdown


Is wonderful: Michelle? Obama ": the United States first ladies" coming to London! Was great! Do you know what that means: endless debates on who wore more stylish: Michelle is simansa ": the United Kingdom Prime Minister, Mrs Cameron wife"? Although such arguments absurd, but if you can help I see Michelle wear a loose dress showing her biceps muscle, I strongly support. Come on, United States first lady!


5. look at how foreign journalists evaluation the British


No nation willing to hear like the British, especially British foreigners on their assessment that Kate? Fox, one of the observation of the British, "says Kate as a social anthropologist, the book published in 2004" successfully demonstrated in. Hello! Be prepared, repressed British person, because the United Kingdom to foreign journalists (only United States NBC network sent 2,700 people) while waiting for the next race will use their comment on your national character to fill the air time and raise enough of the manuscript word count. New York Times has begun, it comments on the British General's "European-style attitude" "says eorl cartoon Pooh Xiong Zhong a depressive donkey" in my world, any comparison of the roles involved in the children's book is a great thing. Long live the Olympic Games!


Poignée de main

Politiciens serrèrent la main et leurs fréquentes s'agit-il ? Lorsqu'un groupe d'étrangers et de leurs adversaires dans une période sombre de la guerre chaque bataille toute autre surface candidats commence et se termine à Serra la main des électeurs potentiels autant que possible. Certains combats sont entièrement axées sur la poignée de main--main et saisir rapidement sur ce programme, avec peu ou aucune langue laid, mais simple pour les politiciens lui serrer la main est inestimable, ce qui équivaut à un risque de mort. C'est parce que pour une poignée de main et échanger entre langage corporel au fond du but de quelqu'un d'autre est extrêmement forte et intense. En serrant la main permettra d'établir un niveau de confiance avec les autres. Nous pouvons prédire la vraie, crédibilité, profonde ou tromper les autres parties de la mesure de l'amitié. Dans toutes les interactions sociales et des activités commerciales, a serré la main dans les sociétés occidentales est portent le fardeau des effets et de déterminer le succès ou l'échec.


Langage du corps plus que les mots peuvent communiquer un plus convaincant. Deux candidats avec les faits sans fin et la répétition des arguments du Grand débat, les gens me souviens et discuter uniquement leur langage corporel--expression de Obama de la douleur, sourire de Biden, rage Ryan dans le cadre de la stabilisation.


Soutient la main Zhijian ou clé et modère souvent dans le débat a commencé et terminé Shi a serré la main, de cognitive neural Science magazine sous a publié un article de recherche, science preuve affichée tous les politiciens sont savoir--shook touchent les mains remplie peut rend l'adversaire vous produit bonne sensation et la confiance des circuits neuronaux, dang vous et l'autre du mal à l'aise ou éludé contact Shi peut vous rend également des relations de coopération est apparu. Alexander, une Université de l'Illinois. boucle de la route a dirigé une équipe de nous montrer un clip vidéo sur les deux affaires. Certaines personnes de serrer la main dans un clip commencent les négociations d'affaires, tandis que d'autres ne pas serrer la main. Clip parties vidéo les deux derniers ni coopération ni renoncer à éviter mais comme un coup de main sur l'épaule pour encourager la poursuite de la coopération comme les échanges sur les branches. Et testés selon l'évaluation standard de 6 points l'animateur d'être jugé par tout le monde qu'ils voient.